When Things Go Wrong

Impossible Requests

What happens if a Dyna program attempts to divide by zero, as in:

a += 1 / b.
b += 0.

If this is the entirety of the program and no changes are forthcoming (e.g., we are not in interactive mode) then the semantics of this program include division by zero, and so must be an error. What happens when we attempt to run it? Our interpreter produces a chart with an annotation:


b                              := 0

because b is 0:
    division by zero
        in rule test.dyna:4:1-test.dyna:4:12
            a += 1 / b.

This last Errors display indicates that the answers available in the Charts section is not reliable.


Any error is potentially global! While it might be possible for some programs to more accurately track errors, currently our implementation does not. The net effect of this is that if ever the interpreter produces an Errors section, then the entire chart must be considered suspect.

If we run the interactive interpreter and add the rule b += 1., the error condition has cleared as it should. If we then add b += -1., it will return.


Productive Nontermination

As mentioned before, Dyna2 currently uses agenda-driven semi-naive forward chaining for its reasoning. This algorithm has several excellent theoretical properties, but suffers from a potentially show-stopping problem: it might not stop.

A Dyna program which includes a definition of the Fibonacci numbers (e.g., examples/fib.dyna)

fib(1) += 1.
fib(2) += 1.
fib(X) += fib(X-1) + fib(X-2).

will compile and be accepted by the interpreter, but will attempt to prove a fib item for every positive natural number! Clearly, this task is going to take a while.

If your program does go away for longer than you expect, it is entirely possible that it is caught in such an infinite loop. In that case, you may send it a SIGINT by hitting Control-C. The interpreter will then print out the chart as far as it had determined it. If this is far bigger than expected, your program probably has a productive infinite loop.

Fixing The Fib Example

One way out of this problem is to impose a limit on the program, by writing instead something like:

f(X) += f(X-1) + f(X-2) for X < lim.
lim := 10.

This will limit the system to proving the first lim Fibonacci numbers. Of course, that can expand or contract as you define lim.

Counting To Infinity

Unfortunately, another kind of nontermination error can arise in cyclic programs, which is not so easy to fix: the so-called count-to-infinity problem.

If we were to have examples/dijkstra.dyna loaded in the interpreter and then run

:- start := "NoSuch".

Where there is no such "NoSuch vertex, the interpreter will appear to be pondering this change to the universe for “a while”, as we say. If we interrupt it (with Control-C) after a while, the chart will contain, among other things:

path("DFW")                    := 10124432
path("LAX")                    := 10124063
path("MyHouse")                := 10122046
path("NoSuch")                 := 0
path("ORD")                    := 10123630
path("SFO")                    := 2779

This arises from the fact that our graph contains a cycle:

edge("DFW","ORD") := 802.
edge("ORD","DFW") := 802.
edge("LAX","ORD") := 1749.

Note that it is also possible to “count to infinity” in other directions, such as by counting down to \(-\infty\) or by approaching a finite solution but as in Zeno’s paradox.


There is, as of yet, no good solution to this problem; the best work-around might just be to start the program over.

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